Friday, April 04, 2008

Library of Love

Library of love

Books, books, books…

I’m a reader. I love to read and research on anything I’m involved in. With money being tight I pull out some change and head to the library. They must have books on becoming a father so I pick up some change and catch a bus into town.

I stride in to the Georgian building and head toward the book finding computer and type in “fatherhood”. To my dismay there are no results. Second attempt: “pregnancy”. The screen pours out a list of titles. I write the number on the back of my hand and move to the shelves.

Tapping each section as I pass I know I’m getting closer because of the index numbers, but the category titles throw me. In between electronics and weaponry are some books concerning breastfeeding. This wasn’t what I had in mind so I head back to the computers and type in “father”.

A new list and some new reference numbers I find myself in front of more appropriate literature. Once more I am confused by the selection of surrounding categories… Mental Health, Cancer and Politics. I find myself victim of the giggle- loop.

Book reviews to follow.

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